Concept of biodiversity
The term biodiversity was first proposed by Walter Rosen (1985). The diversity of organisms is very small, showing extreme diversity. Currently, the number of species of all organisms known and described or
rth is between 1.7 and 1.8 million, which is less than 15% of the actual number. It is predicted that the total number of species ranges from 5 to 50 million. Most of them are believed to occur in tropical rain forests and underwater coral reefs in tropical waters. The most exciting problem with more than 70% of biological species is animals, while plants account for only 22%. In animals, ir
e is the largest in number (about 70%). It was estimated that there were 7 out of 10 in the past, and it is currently estimated that there are 8 in this population. In addition, knowledge about protists, archaea, bacteria, and viruses is very fragmented. Undeveloped tropical forests and coral reefs may cause many species to become extinct before they are discovered. Yes=
Fragmentary reports about past organisms are fossils in rocks. Suppose there are 50-100 times more extinct spies than living spies. In the absence of a general system for proper naming, identification and classification, such a large number of living and extinct organisms have been studied.
The definition of biodiversity: the diversity of plants and animals in the world or in specific habitats, but in a broad sense it includes the genetic diversity, community and ecosystem diversity of a region. A high level of diversity is generally considered important and desirable .
n Ecosystem The observed differences between species members, the differences between existing organisms in the habitat, and even the differences between ecosystems are universal. The dimension of habitat biodiversity extends from internal molecular characteristics to even population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere. At the Rio de Janeiro meeting
n ecosystem the variations observed among the members of species, the differences between the d in the c0-existing organisms of a habitat and even the differences between the ecosystems are con iversity. The dimention of the biodiversity of a habitat extends from the inner molecular features m to even population, community, ecosys tem, biosphere. In the conference of Rio-De-zanerio under al diversitya definition of biodiversity was proposed. According to this definition, biodiversity re ations among the organisms with respect to species, community or ecosystem as expressed in all m either aquatic or terres trial. Examples of biodiversity in different aspect may be shown in the fo
e variations observed between the members of a species belonging to a ecosystem with respec rphology and structure.
e different methods adapted by organism for their reproduction.
flowers of different colours in a garden.
various corals in a coral island.
opogodefece oeegofong
erent plants in a forest etc.
discussed in detail in class XII
Considering the wide dimension of the definition of biodiversity, it may be classified into three types enetic diversity, 2. species diversity and3. Ecosystem diversity enetic Diversity The variation of genes within species i.e., the genes and their alleles present organism is called genetic diversity. The origin of new species depends on genetic variation. So 8
helps is species diversity.
SPECIES Diversity: The variety of species living in a geographical are a known as species div
ber of species per unit area is known as species richness. Greater the species richness, greater ersity.
osystem Diversity : Different types of living entities and various abiotic components
the features of an ecosystem. As without organism an ecosystem is impossible, the variations tem are also important. Because of this reason ecosystem diversity also becomes the measures
consideration to communities in the ecosystem, one ecosystem becomes different from the othe
ent ecosystems represent the portrait of biodiversity. Hajwood and Baste proposed classificatio of biodiversity of ecosystem as Biome, Bioregion, Landscape, Ecosystem, Habitat, Niche and Pom enetic diversity may be of different types as population, individual, chromosome, gene and n ersity may also be classified similarly as kingdom, Phylum, class, order, Family, Genus, Spec pulation and individual.
al diversity includes Alpha aiversity
Deta alverSIL)
a (a) Diversity: Alpha («) diversity is represented by
umber of species in a specified area. The diversity shows n community and depends on the species richness and ness. A lot of competitions and interactions are observed among members of the same community.
(B) Diversity The change in habitat due to presence of ent microhabitats, niches and environmental conditions,
biodiversity which appears in a range of communities due placement of species is called Beta (B) diversity (diversity
een communities).
ma (y) Diversity : Gamma (y) diversity is represented by arieties of habitats of the organisms in a large geographical
It is the total diversity including (alpha) and (beta) diversity.
Three different ecological diversity
al Biology-OT-3
Important ancestors of biodiversity
1 Man depends solely on different plants and animals for foods, clothes and shelter.Besides to be recued of diseases he needs ditferent types of medicines, for comfort and pleasure there 1s the need or cosmetics and etOa goods even arms for self protection and all these materials come from the living world. However most of the articles of these categories we get from plants. There are about 25000 plant species those aro- cultivated for foods, cosmetic substances and medicines.
2. Difterent plant and animal species maintain their existence through comperative interaction between them. Th= relation is expressed through food chain and food web. Every organism may be considered as the aggrega of enerSy. Through accumulation of energy, its storage and utilization the existence and development of organism become possible. The source of this energy is sun and the plants can fix this energy as food.
animals at different trophic levels obtain this energy from plants. Therefore the loss or extinction of form of life is antagonistic to existence of living forms.
3. By using different organisms and their functional attributes man has developed techniques to promote sm ivelihood. For example with the application of biotechnology we can produce curd from milk, we developed radders by using techniques of echolocation from bat, production of multiple copies of DH
PCR by using enzyme from Thermus aquaticus etc., are the different examples of use of biodivers
human welfare.
4. Various forms of organism are actually the representation of different gene pool. This gene p0ol has precious property to us. We can use this gene pool for our benefit, for example production of tra animal and plant by genetic engineering, formation of hybrids through mating between different org have given us some promising concept in order to acheive benefit. 6
5. In the environment the plants control different environmental conditions. There is no controversy re the fact that plants keep the environment cool and they promote raining on the land. Therefore heen very cautious regarding destruction of plant from nature.
Advancement of science and technology along with an enormous growing population have expandea scales of human activities which can bring a total catastrophe. The most presing need reorient human activities in such a way as to ensure none of least possible damage to the biosphere. Ihu be achieved only by the following means
of present time
1. Environmental Education Starting from grass-root level, environmental education should be in.
in all sections of our society and should be able to create awareness and motivate people to co
2. Environment and Laws : A strict control over ecologically damaging human practices by dev
effective laws and their strict enforcement, helps in conservation of biodiversity.
. Conservation of Biodiversity in Protected Habitat : Depending on the degree of mana there are two basic approaches to conserve the biodiversity.
a) in-situ Conservation: Conservation of genetic resources or gene pool through different proj 8 natural condition aside a larger population of earth surface for wild life is known as in-situ cons order to protect endangered species and to find the undisturbed habitats for wildlife many protec been established by the Government. Throughout the country the endangered species and wild pro tected in the protected areas of different states. Abiding by the laws framed bv constitution.
National Park The protected area in which all plants and wildlifes in their compatible environments are being protected according to the constitution framed rules and regulation and under the direct supervision of the goverment is known as national park. The aim of these protected areas is to conserve the natural habitat of a species through protection of a community. National park appears to be quite large in area that may extend from 0.04 sq km to 3162 sq kms.
However, in most of the cases the area varies from 100 sq kms to 500 sq kms. In India there are 88 national parks. For entry of the tourist in the national park there are special arrangements. Hunting is totally prohibited. The authority looks into the matter so that major part of the area remains undistrubed.
(i) Sanctuary The protected area in which along with the plants, the wildlifes are protected is known as sanctuary. To enter into the
sanctuary, permission is required from the forest department. For the purpose of research, some animals may be conserved. Besides
Some private establishments may also be present within the sanctuary subject to permission from the authority.
(i) Biosphere Reserve: The land or aquatic entire ecosystem in which its total biodiversity is protected according to Man and Biosphere programme of UNESCO, is known as Biosphere Reserve. Biosphere reserve is recognised internationally. Each Biosphere is usually
Biosphere Reserve
Biosphere reserves of India (area wise)
Name of Biosphere
Area (km)
1. Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka
2. Nanda Devi National Park & Biosphere Reserve
1988 Uttarakhand
3 Gulf of Mannar
6e edho 1989 Tamil Nadu mn
4. Nokrek
da ts an 1988 Meghalaya nofeae
5. Sundarbans
West Bengal
6. Manas
ng pe g bos g1989 Assam
ooiepemoeent metomeenrme
Name ot Biosphere
7. Simlipal
8. Dihang-Dibang
Arunachal Pradesh
9. Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve
Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh
10. Achanakmar Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve
pe 2008 e 2009
11. Great Rann of Kutch
Himachal Pradesh
12. Cold Desert
13. Khangchend Zonga
Kerala, Tamil Nadu
14. Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
15. Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve
16. Dibru-Saikhowa
Andhra Pradesh
17. Seshachalam Hills
Madhya Pradesh
18. Panna
ex-Situ Conservation: Conservation of genetic resources or gene pool through artificial means, ie
De brought and breed under partiallv or wholly controlled environment through ex-Situ conservation. i.e., Zoo.
Botanical gardens.
on is known as er-situ conservation. For example, endangered plants and animals Can
ex-situ conservation: Zoo garden
4. Soil Conservation: The soil may be conserved through plantation, crop rotation etc.
5. Water Conservation: The water can be conserved through creating dams using minimum amount of water, recycling of waste water for further use.
6. Forest Conservation Forest can be conserved through plantation in uncultivated road sides, sides or
train lines and in unused lands.
Various causes for los of biodiversity are
1. Degradation and destruction of habitats due to colonization and clearing of forests for settlement or agricultural expansion, commercial expansion, hydrall schemes, ire, human etc.
2 Hunting and over exploitation, mainly for commercial (and often illegal) purposes.
3Introduction of exotic species accidentally or deliberately, that threaten native flora and fauna directly by predation or by competition and also indirectly by altering the natural habitat or introducing diseases.
4. Pollution and poisoning stress on ecosystem.
. Due to global warming, suitable climate for given species is changed, putting pressure on species with regard to their adaptability, thus making them vulnerable to extinction.
6. Improper use of agrochemicals and pesticides, increase in human population, inequitable land distributiOn and economic and political policies and constraints.
Definition Biosphere hot spot is defined as natural environment which contains exceptionally large number of endangered
species found nowhere else.
Important Hot Spots in the World: () Mediterranean climate coast of California. (i) Madagaskar
(iii) Philippines. (IV) Western Ghats of India. (v) Choca-Darien Western Equator. (vi) Sacculent Karoo of South
teovibetd eur
Biosphere Hot Spot of India : India contributes about 8 percent of global biodiversity.
1. Western Ghat : It covers about 5000 sq miles undisturbed forests with thick vegetation of grass, evergreen
and deciduous forest. The important species of mammals are Indian tiger, Asian elephant, Lion tailed macaque and Nilgiri lahar. Among the animals 90 amphibians, 88 reptiles, 16 birds and 22 mammals are endemic and 1500 species of plants are endemic.
2. Eastern Himalayan Hot spot: It extends from North Eastern India to Bhutan. This area specially rich
in some endemic plants. Temperate forests are found here at height of 1780-3500 metres.
3. Indo-Burma: The Indo-Burma encompasses several countries from eastern Bangladesh to Malaysia anda includes North Eastern India. This region is home for many primate species, especially some fresh water turtle species are endemic.
uvd gro5
4. Sundaland : Sundaland is a region of South-East Asia, where India is represented by the Nicobar Islands.
The island have a rich terrestrial and marine ecosystem that includes mangroves, coral reefs and grass beds.
Adaptation Natural selection results into adaptation of organisms It is the change in genetice make-up of aongmi help the organism to withstand in adverse environment Adaptation causes evolution of new organisms
Accretion Growth of non-living objects take place by simple deposition of identical matters on its outer surface Ie as accretion
Anabollsm involves synthesis of complex substances from simpler forms Thus also referred as constructive metaball results into increased dry weight of organisms.
odiversity t is the sum of variety and differences among living organisms from all sources, incuding terrestrial, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are a part
Catabolism It involves breakdown of complex substances into simpler forms. Thus also relerred as destructive metabolisn
It decreases the dry weights of organisms
rganizationIt is one of the basic characteristics of all living organisms as cell is the basic unit of structre a
Tunction In unicellular organisms, a single cell carries out all life processes; but in multicellular orgarnism, ditlerent iype of ol perform different activities
urowtht is a permanent or irreversible increase in dry weight, size, mass or volume of a cell, organ or organism omeostasis A self-regulated system of organisms which enable them to maintain a constant, favourable internal environmen inspite of the variations occuring in the external environment
tabityOne of the basic characteristic of organisms to give a response in both internal and extermal environmental changes tussusception The method of growth in which new substances are added to already existing matters, 1s known as intussusception. It is one of the important property of living beings
Life lt is the condition that distinguishes living beings from non-living matters and also referrs to the period between the birth and death of a living thing
Mutabinty It is the process in which offsprings with new combination of trait are produced due to sudden change in hereditary materials
Metabolism :The process enables the organisms to acquire necessary energy and its utilization. It may be constructive or destructive
Movement and locomotion: These are two important feature of living beings. It is due to search of food, shelter, protection reproduction, favourable environment etc.
Nutrition It is the process of synthesizing (in case of autotrophs) or obtaining (in case of heterotrophs) food substances, utilization and assimilation of them into protoplasmic materials by which growth. repair and maintenance of the body an accomplished. It is highly necessary to support life
Respiration It is the process of gaseous exchange between the organisms (or cels) and their environment The energy nequin
for different metabolic activity is obtained during the breakdown of energy-rich compounds by the process of respiration
Responsiveness Living organisms recognize internal and external stimuli and respond to changes, occuring in the environment
It is referred to as responsiveness.
Reproduction Reproduction results in the continuity of race and also compensate the loss of life, occur due to death It is the production of new individual which are of same kind of their parents
Rhythmcity All physiological activities of living beings take place in a definite rhythm, it is termed as rhythmcity
Senescence and Death: After the completion of active phase of ife, senescence occurs into each living organisms. It ultimatel leads to death of organisms. Thus these are two unavoidable events in each organism
Objective Type Questions
A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCo)
All organisms are made of
(a) cellulose
(d) helium
(e) cells
14 emegrnphy n the stedy t tec dfese
from wlhich they get ford
2. All organisms require
(h) enerY
( Ftily peligee (ey locl eeeentetioe wetoee fd popalatic 1 When popalafion ie ml, fhere gte sance s (a) geneti drilt (0 raferal selee em 16. Total heat content of a ystem
(a) oxvgen
() light
(e) carbon dioxide
3. Which of the following is not a sfage of life span?
(b) deat () growth
(a) maturily
(c) dormancy
4 The oldest living things on earth are
(b) Bristlecone pine trees (d) Great blue whales
(a) Oak trees
(c) Human beings
() entropy
5. The chemical process that are involved with the building up and breaking down of food to get and release energy are called
17 Mimiery is a mneant to (a) ffene
(b) reproduction
(a) genetics (c) metabolism
(d) none of then
(0) eealment
(6) bo nd
6. The process of producing new individual organism is re- ferred to as
18. During, the Oeeurance of sprontaneos process, free eengy
(a) photosynthesis (c) metabolism
(b) maturity
(a) increases () remains comstan
(d) reproduction
(4) decsesos
7. Which of the following has a life span closest in years to a human being?
19 Animals spending winter in dormant ondition is vefened
(b) elephant (d) dog
(a) oak tree
(a) mimicry
) hibemation (d) estivation
(c) spider
() camouflage
8. The ability to respond to a stimulus is called
20. Animals which built in thermostat are
OPM 98 (o) poikilkothermie (d) biothermic
(a) defense
(b) anesthesia
(a) oligothermie (c) homeothermic
(c) paralysis
(cd) irritability
9. The response toward a stimulus is said to be (a) negative (c) positive
(b) avoidance
21. Biowar employs
(d) none of them
(a) brazein
(by maryose
10. The self-adjusting balance of life functions, such as maintaining temperature are referred to as
(C) pathogens
(d) mustard oil
22 Which one is exelusive characteristic of living beings?
(a) metabolism
(b) homeostasis
(c) adaptation
(d) none of then
CSE Maie 1
(a) P'erception of events happening in environmern and fheir memory (b) Isolated metabolie reactions occuring in vitro (e) Inerease in mass from inside
11. A change that makes an organism better suited to its
environment is called
(a) homogenous solution (c) adaptation
(b) metabolic event
(d) none of them
(d) Increase in mase from outside and inside
12. Viruses are not considered to be living organisns because they are not made of
23 Afforestation should be with
(a) nucleic acid
(a) exotic speies
(b) protein (d) none of them
b) indig species (d) eucalyptias
(e) cells
() bamboos
13. A population is a group of
24. Animals and plants are best protected in
fa) communities in an ecosystem
(a) botanical gardens (c) national parks
(b) individuals in family
1) sanctuaries
Boratca giems sc Seed aike
slhes the Red
Peiar NP andiuar N
Fist national park of India is
aAanha N
Carbet N
3 The oganiiza tici puibli
peoes on werge of extinction dur io owere a of he atoe
32 An eample of e-sta tseatiss
wwr-N has logo for comseratien of a ger c Red panda
ed to Busis so
Cat panda d Polar bear
hich cme sf the sollomig is tion of hnealened animauis and
gSeed batik
28 Black Buck is not allowed to be hunted by al Bishnois
la) Bicdaiesity hpots ic Hlimalayan egu
hach ane of the folloing areas in India, is a hotsPo bindiversiy al Gangeic plam c Eastem ghats
Westem ghat aSunderhans
15 a
27 b
B. Choose more than one options
Which of the anmimals are protected in Kanina ationd
1 What are the 3-zones cof the biosphere reserve? b)Fonestry zone d Buer zome
a) Mixed zone
Crocode d) Deer
(a) Elephant (c) Tiger 1. Why is Jaldapara Sanctuary famos for? (a) Snowr leopard (c) Mask dear
cTransiiona zone
2Biota comsist of
(a) atnosphere c faurna
(d) iora
3. Biodiversity refers to the totality
d) Elephant
11 Which of the following biosphere seserves ane przieni
bgenes (d ecosystems
Name the organisms, those do not eproduce
a speces c gemu
(a) Nokek
Manas (d Dibr sailkhoa
(a) Amoch
c) Fanchnari
b) Mules (d) Sherile wrorker bees
(c) Fish
12 Methods for en-situ comservation ane
5. The examples of in-situ conservation are
(a) National park (c Biospihere reserve
(a) Orchands ic) Natomal park
p Cropreservato
6) Zoo (d) Botanical garden
(d Tisse culae 13 For wilidlife the following projects hae
6. Who first described the concept of biodiversity?
(a) Hajwood lc) Baste
b) Norse
a Thger Proiect ic khino Project 14 Some of endangered plant species are
d Mcmarius
Hangal Project d Cheetah Proje
7. Which of the following fall under "the evil quartet?
(a) Coextinction
a Drosera
(b) Over exploitation c Polution (d Habitat loss and iragmentation
ic) Azadiracnta
15 India? Which of the plant species ane comsidered asac
bAloe dy Mangers
8Which of the following are categories of Red List?
cmsidered as sace
(a) Vuinerable c Comnon
b) Extinct d) Rare
(a Mangera tndic icy Ocimi sanctu
b Ficu id Ras
Science or L
7. a, b, d
. b
2. c,d
3. a, b, d
4. b, d
5. a,c
6, b, d
13. a, b, c
14. a, b
8. a, b, d
9. C, d
10. b, d
11. b, d
12. a, b, d
15. b, c
Mark: 1
C. Fill in the Blanks
to the equator.
1. The term
is used to reler to any complete and
5, Biodiversity increases from the
entire living thing
6. Biodiversity refers to the totality of of a region
2. All organisms are made of
3. The ability to respond to a stimulus is called
7. Endangered plant species are conserved through
4. Anything that causes an organism to respond is called
is endangered species of India.
2. Cells
3, irritability
4. stimulus
5. poles
6. genes, species, ecosystems
7. gene bank
8. Indian wild ass
D. True or False Statement Questions
Mark 1
1. Within the community diversity is referred to as alpha diversity.
4. All organisms are made of cellulose
2. According to the Red list, in India 44 plant species are critically endangered.
5, Reproduction is the process of producing new individual organisms.
6. WWF-N has logo for conservation of Red Pands.
3. The hot spots found in India. are situated in Uttranchal and Hinmachal Pradesh.
1 T 2. 3. F 4. F
6. F
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Mark: 1
1. What is metabolisms?
Ans. The chemical process that are involved with the building up and breaking down of food to get and release energy are called metabolism.
2. Define irritability.
Ans. The ability to respond to a stimulus.
3. What is unicellular organism?
Ans. Organisms that are made of only one cell.
4. Name one unicellular alga.
Ans. Chlamydomonas.
5. Define regeneration.
Ans. In case of Hydra, a small fragment can regenerate the whole organism.
6. The enzyme is used for the production of the multiple copies of DNA in PCR, from which bacterium the enzyme extracted ?
Ans. Thermus aguaticus.
7. Mention the types of biodiversity.
Ans. (a) Genetic diversity, (b) Species diversity, (c) Ecosystem diversity.
8. Define Growth.
Ans. The permanent or irreversible increase in dry weight, size, mass or volume of cell of organism.
9. What is biosphere? s The earth and atmosphere in which ife sustai 10. What is biota?
arks 2
oganized, dynamie living state of a complex, organiC cellular substance wh
On, mulation, adaptation elc, may be relerred as lif
ns The flora and fauna of an area is cale
nce which have sel
Short swer Type Questions
on its Outer surfare
1. What is life?
s The Complex, cellular, well organized, dynam
Stastaining processes like growth, reproductiOn 2. Define accretion.
Ans. In a non living body rowth in bulk may takes place by
Deings possess variations and have the ability to evolve with time. The inheritable torm of variations
place by the simple deposition of identical matters
ns, function and
ie, called as accretion.
3. What is adaptation?
Ans. Living behaviour which help an organism to adjust
o not have much impact on the internal environment inspite of the variations OCCuring in external enviro iTonme nns Senescence occurs in each living organisms after the end of active phase of life. It 1s u timately lead to the de
lusm to adjust well and successfully in its environment, 1,e., adaptation.
4. What is homeostasis?
Ans The ability to maintain a
stant internal environment through self regulated manner. Changes in the external
5. What is senescence?
8anisms. So, it is unavoidable phase of life cycle in each OrBa 6. Define biodiversity.
S1his is the sum of variety and differences among living organisms from all kinds of sources, Including terrestrial
and other aquatic ecosystems 7. What is Biosphere Hot-Spot?
utdl environment which contains exceptionally large no. of endangered Species found nowhere else.
8. Define Gamma diversity.
represen ted by the varieties of habitat of the organisms in a definite geograpnica alca.
Short Answer Type Questions
. Mention the differences between anabolism and catabolism.
2. Briefly describe about the concept of biodiversity.
3. Mention the importance of biodiversity.
4. Briefly describe about the purpose of the conservation of endangered species.
5. State the comparison amongst o, B, and y-diversity.
Long Answer Type Questions
1. Describe about the classification of biodiversity.
2. Describe in brief about the different characteristics of life.
3. Describe about the loss of biodiversity.
4. What are biosphere Hot-Spot? 5. Briefly describe about the different conservation methods of biodiversity.
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